ODAIOS Street Life Exhibition 2014, Dublin (IRL)

Im Rahmen der Dawn Caravan-Tour 2014 war Dawn Foods zusammen mit dem Team von WPS Ernst zu Gast bei der ODAIOS Street Life Exhibition in Dublin, Irland.

Fitzwilliam Square Dublin 2

Monday 12/May – Tuesday 13/May

Meet Your Maker. Inspiration from our producers, growers, farmers, master carvers, butchers, bakers, mixologists and baristas who will be on hand to take you through the new tastes and textures of what we have cooking in 2014.

Explore ‚Street Food‘ from Past to Present. Street Food has been around for as long as people have been on the move and needed to eat. We dig into the past to shape the ideas of modern gastronomy.

An Airstream American Bakery, a cocktail bar and some very special guests! 11,000 square feet of tented food thoroughfare showcasing meat, charcuterie, shellfish, fruit and vegetables, cheese, bread, pastry, coffee, cake, ice cream and all things gastronomic. A valhalla of food and hospitality for chefs and food pioneers.